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You may have noticed that we have submitted some changes to our original planning application to improve and refine it.
These include:
Please get in touch via our contact details on our website if you need any further information.
Posted on 18th October 2022
by O2 Centre Consultation Team
We are pleased to announce that following four phases of consultation with local residents, businesses and community groups, we have now submitted a planning application to the London Borough of Camden for the O2 Masterplan Site. The application is with the Council for validation, and we will update our website once information is publicly available on the Council’s planning portal.
The proposals would see the Site – which includes the existing O2 Shopping Centre on Finchley Road, and surrounding land – transformed into a new green, comprehensive landscape-led masterplan which connects Finchley Road and West End Lane.
The submitted application is part detail, part outline. Overall, the scheme will deliver:
About the application
The application comprises detailed information on building design and architecture for the first phase (3 buildings) and an outline application for the remainder of the Site demonstrating how future development could be brought forward. The first phase would deliver 608 new homes including 188 affordable homes, retail space, a community centre and central square with community garden.
The planning submission follows four phases of consultation with local residents, businesses and community groups and an ongoing targeted youth engagement programme spanning over four months. We’ve received 2,600 comments from over four different surveys during this time, and have held 32 workshops, meetings and events with local people. We’ve also partnered with youth engagement specialists 2-3 Degrees to run a series of workshops aimed at collecting feedback on the evolving masterplan, particularly the new landscaped spaces, and the co-creation of future spaces and uses of the site.
The next step is for the Council to validate our application at which point all of the detailed documents will be available to view on the planning portal. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact details listed on our website:
Posted on 8th February 2022
by O2 Centre Consultation Team
Today we have launched the next stage of public consultation on the proposal masterplan for the O2 Centre site. We’ve spent the last few months gathering feedback from the local community, and are pleased to launch our new consultation website to show you how the masterplan has evolved.
The latest proposals include more detailed information on the masterplan, such as our emerging vision, and our latest designs and thinking.
We are excited to share these latest proposals with you and to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please visit our website at to view the latest plans. Here you can also complete our online survey to tell us what you think.
You can also email us at or call us at 0800 3077 984.
As part of this next stage of the consultation, we are also holding two online public webinars. These are taking place on:
• Thursday 10 June, 6pm-8pm
• Monday 14 June, 12pm-2pm
To register your attendance for either of these webinars, please visit our website here .
We look forward to receiving your feedback!
Posted on 25th May 2021
by The O2 Consultation Team
Thank you to everyone who took part in our last consultation, which ran for six weeks from December 2020 until the end of January 2021.
During this time, over 6,500 people visited our Commonplace website and over 100 attended our online webinars where we answered your questions and asked our architects AHMM to present the early masterplan.
We’ve really appreciated the detailed and useful feedback received so far and, as with our last phase of consultation held in Autumn 2020, we have prepared a snapshot of what you told us which can be downloaded here .
This also includes some of your most frequently asked questions, as well as a separate list answering topics that we didn’t quite have time to cover at our webinars in January.
We hope you find these helpful. There will be lots more opportunities to talk to us over the next few months and throughout the rest of this year as plans evolve – so watch this space and also our main website for updates!
Posted on 20th March 2021
by The O2 Consultation Team
Thank you to everyone who attended one of our online public webinars this week.
It was great to have around 100 people tune-in across the two evenings, and we received lots of excellent questions and feedback for the project team to take away and consider.
We hope you found them helpful and there will be lots of opportunities to talk to us over the course of this year as our plans evolve. You can also view a copy of our presentation here .
Over the next few weeks, we will be posting more updates on here to cover the questions and themes that we weren't able to get to, so please do check back. Alternatively, if you would like to get in touch you can also email us at
We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Posted on 29th January 2021
by O2 Centre Consultation Team
Meet the project team and learn more about our emerging ideas for the O2 Centre site.
Thank you to everyone who has responded to our consultation so far and for providing your thoughts and ideas on our emerging vision for the O2 Centre site.
We are still going through everyone’s feedback and have been really pleased with the interest and number of comments we’ve received so far. For those that haven’t yet had a chance to comment, this consultation is open until midnight on Sunday 31 January.
We would like to invite you to join us at one of two webinars at 6.30PM on Tuesday 26 January and Thursday 28 January. These will be a chance to meet the project team and hear a short presentation. There will also be a Q&A session, where you will be invited to submit live questions through an online chat function for the team to respond to.
Each webinar will last around one hour and will contain the same information. To register your interest in attending one of these sessions, please follow this Eventbrite link or call us on our freephone 0800 3077984. You can also contact us via our email,
We hope you can join us!
Posted on 15th January 2021
by The O2 Centre Consultation Team